Champagne Quotes, - The 47 Most Beautiful Quotes About Champagne

Come quickly, I taste the stars! Dom Perignon Meeting Franklin Roosevelt was like opening your first bottle of champagne, knowing him was like drinking him. Winston Churchill Champagne is the only thing that gives me pleasure when I feel tired. Brigitte Bardot Why do I drink champagne for breakfast? Doesn't everyone do that? Noel Coward There comes a time in every woman's life when only a glass of champagne will do. Bette Davis Champagne is one of life's elegant extras. Charles Dickens Champagne! In victory you deserve it, in defeat you need it. Napoleon Bonaparte I drink champagne when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone, and when I have company, I can't miss it. When I'm not hungry, I whet my appetite with it, and when I'm hungry, I savour it. But otherwise I don't touch it, except when I'm thirsty. Lily Bollinger Champagne is the only wine that makes a woman beautiful after drinking it. Madame De Pompadour Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right. Mark Twain Champagne, if you're looking for the truth, is better than a lie detector. Graham Greene My only regret in life is that I have not drunk enough champagne. John Maynard Keynes I only drink champagne twice, when I'm in love and when I'm not. Coco Chanel The feeling of friendship is like being stuffed with roast beef, love is like being revitalised with champagne. Samuel Johnson Champagne and orange juice is a great drink. The orange improves the champagne. The champagne definitely improves the orange. Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Gentlemen, we are not only fighting for France, but also for champagne! Winston Churchill In a perfect world, everyone would drink a glass of champagne every evening. Willie Gluckstern Pour the champagne and let its mousse rise like thousands of sparkling, smiling eyes. Jared M. Brown There is nothing more beautiful than a sunset with a glass of champagne. Jared M. Brown Champagne, king of wines and wine of kings. Prince Orlofsky Champagne should be cold, dry and hopefully free. Christian Pol Roger Pleasure without champagne is purely artificial. Oscar Wilde When life brings you trouble, drink some champagne and your problems will turn into soap bubbles. Unknown If you don't take risks, you should never drink champagne. An old Russian proverb. I only drink champagne on two occasions: When I'm in love and when I'm not. Coco Chanel After a victory you deserve champagne, after a defeat you need it! Napoleon Bonaparte Start the day with a smile and end it with champagne. unknown Champagne gives you the feeling that every day is a Sunday! Marlene Dietrich There are times in a woman's life when the only thing that helps is champagne! Betty Davis Oh Lord, let them accept the things they can't change. And pray that their only pain is champagne. Kanye West Great love affairs start with champagne and end with herbal tea. Honore de Balzac I only drink champagne when I'm happy and when I'm sad! Lily Bollinger There are three things in life that are unbearable: cold coffee, lukewarm champagne and an overexcited wife. Orson Welles The priest has just baptised you as a Christian. I now baptise you as a French citizen, dear child, with a drop of champagne on your lips. Paul Claudel (1868-1955) The sparkling nature of this French wine reveals the true genius of the French people. Voltaire (1694-1778) There's something about safari life that makes you forget all your worries and makes you feel like you've drunk half a bottle of champagne - there's something about it that makes you brim over with heartfelt gratitude for life. Quote from Karen Blixen Have a sense of humour, sleep little, have a goal and not too little champagne! Prof August Everding If you have the choice between oysters and champagne, you usually opt for both. Theodor Fontane I make wine for myself. What I can't drink myself, I sell! Victor Lanson For me, you are sweeter than chocolates, hotter than the desert wind, more sparkling than champagne, more meaningful than a kiss, but just out of reach like the stars! I want champagne wine, and I want it to be quite sparkling! Johann Wolfgang von Goethe How sweet and airy the bubbles of the widow Klicko sparkle in the glass". Wilhelm Busch about Veuve Clicquot Praise is like champagne. Both must be served while it is still sparkling. With Bordeaux you ponder, with Burgundy you discuss, with Champagne you commit folly! Anthèlme Brillat-Savarin Once the champagne has been sprayed, you can't get it back in the bottle! FIA President Max Mosley Champagne is probably the happiest source of inspiration. Mark Twain I'm only teetotal when it comes to beer, not champagne. George Bernard Shaw

About champagne quotes

Champagne, oft als der „König der Weine“ bezeichnet, hat über die Jahrhunderte hinweg zahlreiche berühmte Zitate inspiriert. Diese Champagner Zitate spiegeln die Eleganz, Feierlichkeit und Freude wider, die mit dem Genuss dieses edlen Getränks verbunden sind.

A famous champagne quote comes from Coco Chanel, who said: "I only drink champagne on two occasions: when I am in love and when I am not." This statement emphasises the universal charm and versatility of champagne, which can be drunk in both happy and melancholy moments.

Winston Churchill war ebenfalls ein großer Liebhaber von Champagner, sowie Champagner Zitate und äußerte sich oft über seine Vorliebe für diesen edlen Tropfen. Eines seiner bekanntesten Champagner Zitate lautet: „Champagner sollte kühl, trocken und kostenlos sein.“ Churchill war bekannt für seinen anspruchsvollen Geschmack und seine Vorliebe für Luxus, und dieses Zitat fängt seine Einstellung perfekt ein.

Oscar Wilde, the famous writer and dandy, once remarked with a champagne quote: "Only the very trivial people are really serious, and only the very serious people have ever created anything trivial." Although this quote is not directly aimed at champagne, Wilde's many other comments about life and art reflect his appreciation for the finer things in life, which certainly include champagne.

Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of King Louis XV, once said: "Champagne is the only drink that makes a woman more beautiful the more she drinks of it." This champagne quote emphasises the glamorous and seductive aspect of champagne and how it can enhance the elegance and beauty of its consumers.

Summary of champagne quotes

Zusammengefasst zeigen diese Champagner Zitate die anhaltende Faszination und den besonderen Platz, den Champagner in der Kultur und History einnimmt. Ob bei festlichen Anlässen, romantischen Momenten oder einfach als Indulgence in everyday life - champagne always has a special charm and inspires people all over the world. Enjoy reading the champagne quotes.

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