Henri Abelé Champagne
Henri Abelé Champagne, founded in 1757
Théodore Van der Veken from Liège, is the third oldest still existing Champagne house mit Sitz in Reims. Die Anfänge der Champagnerproduktion waren stark mit den Mönchen der Abtei von Hautvilliers verbunden, die die Champagnerflaschen im Sand vergruben, damit sich das Hefedepot in den Flaschenhälsen ablagern konnte. Ein bedeutender Fortschritt in der Champagnerherstellung war die Erfindung des klassischen Rüttelpultes im Jahr 1834, an der Antoine de Müller von Henri Abelé beteiligt war, ebenso wie die Witwe Clicquot-Ponsardin.
Antoine de Müller erhielt ab 1837 Unterstützung von seinem Schwiegersohn und Neffen Francois Abelé, der fünf Jahre später seine eigene Marke gründete. Sein Sohn Henri Abelé setzte das Erbe fort und erfand 1884 die Gefriertechnik beim Degorgieren. Diese beiden Innovationen revolutionierten die Champagnerherstellung grundlegend. Die Philosophie des Hauses Henri Abelé Champagne, den bestmöglichen Champagner aus den Weinen jedes Jahrgangs zu kreieren, wurde über 250 Jahre hinweg von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben.
Over the course of its history, the champagne house has attracted an illustrious clientele. These included the German royal court at the beginning of the 19th century and the Spanish court aristocracy in the time of Alfonso XIII. The appreciation for the house's top-quality products is also reflected in the use of the "smiling angel" of Reims Cathedral on its labels. Today, Henri Abelé Champagne is one of the small but prestigious champagne houses with an annual production totalling 400,000 bottles.
The Henri Abelé brand passionately defends France's true ability to invent and inspire. With deep respect for its roots, Maison Henri Abelé Champagne keeps French traditions alive in harmony with the most creative ways of life. A proud champion of French flair and authenticity, the House is a bold and optimistic ambassador of the beating French heart throughout the world.
History and development
Théodore Van der Veken founded the Henri Abelé house at a time when champagne production was still in its infancy. In the early years of the champagne house, the method of burying champagne bottles in the sand to settle the lees was one of the few techniques available. The introduction of the riddling console by Antoine de Müller in 1834 represented a significant technological advance that made champagne production more efficient and of higher quality.
The support of Francois Abelé, who founded his own brand in 1842, and the later innovations of his son Henri Abelé, such as the invention of the freezing technique for disgorging in 1884, contributed significantly to the reputation and quality of the champagne house. These technical advances enabled more precise control over the disgorging process and contributed to the purity and clarity of the champagne.
Henri Abelé Champagne was known for its connections to European royalty, which emphasised the status and recognition of the house in elite society. The brand was able to make a name for itself through its innovative strength and commitment to quality, which continues to this day.
The most famous champagne of the house
One of Henri Abelé Champagne's best-known champagnes is the "Sourire de Reims", named after the iconic "smiling angel" of Reims Cathedral. This champagne, often regarded as the flagship of the house, embodies the tradition and excellence that characterise Henri Abelé. The Sourire de Reims is an expression of the centuries-old heritage and craftsmanship that have characterised the House since its foundation.
Current information on vineyards and headquarters
Heute erstrecken sich die Weinberge von Henri Abelé Champagner über einige der renommiertesten Lagen in der Champagne-Region. Das Haus bewirtschaftet sowohl eigene Weinberge als auch solche, die in Partnerschaft mit langjährigen Winzern gepflegt werden. Die genaue Rebfläche variiert, aber die Qualität und der sorgfältige Umgang mit den Trauben bleiben konstant. Der Sitz des Hauses befindet sich nach wie vor in Reims, einer Stadt, die tief in der Geschichte und Kultur der Champagnerherstellung verwurzelt ist.
Reimsthe heart of the Champagne region, not only offers a rich historical backdrop, but also ideal conditions for the production of champagne. The terroir, characterised by chalky soils and a temperate climate, contributes significantly to the uniqueness and quality of the grapes used for Henri Abelé.
Today, Maison Henri Abelé remains an example of the perfect combination of tradition and innovation. The house adheres to the tried and tested methods that have been cultivated for centuries, while at the same time being open to new techniques and approaches to winemaking. This balancing act allows Henri Abelé to continue to produce excellent champagne and compete in the ever-evolving world of champagne production.
In the modern champagne world, Henri Abelé champagne symbolises consistent quality and the ability to move with the times without forgetting its roots. The house maintains close relationships with its winegrowers and partners to ensure that every bottle of champagne fulfils the highest standards.
To summarise, Henri Abelé Champagne is not only a historical legacy, but also a living example of continued excellence in Champagne production. With an impressive history, renowned products and a permanent base in Reims, the house remains a shining star in the champagne world.
Henri Abelé
50, rue de Sillery
51051 Reims
Phone: (33) 3 26877980
web: http://henriabele.com